Past Event

Mindfulness Retreat for Children 22/10

Won Buddhism 2023. 10. 27. 20:15

Last Sunday we had a great time with Children at "Mindfulness Retreat for Children"

It began at 9.30 am. 

Rev. In Myung shared encouraging and welcoming words and Rev. Haejin guided us with warm-up exercises. 

Opening Circle

Then we went out for Walking Meditation. The weather was great, we walked one big loop.

Waking meditation

We came back inside and continued to meditate. Chanting and Seated Meditation. 

Chanting and Meditation 

After a short break with snacks, we learned "How to Cultivate our Mind-Fields"
Everyone listened very well.

How to Cultivate our mind-Fields

Then we move to the big Dharma hall for the next program. 
We had 2 teams and each team discussed preparing a play to show how to use the mind well according to Stop-Examine-Restore steps. 

Discussions to prepare a MINDFULNESS PLay

Also, we played a little game. 

Playing games.


Then Each team played their Play.

Their acting and delivering was great!!

S-E-R Drama



All did such a great job!!! Thank you for sharing!

Sharing Reflections


We took a group photo and had a yummy Korean Lunch. 


Thank you all for having great time! See you soon again!

Group photos